Environment Policy


Our firm recognises the importance of ensuring our interactions with the environment are carefully managed, and that we minimise and mitigate any negative impacts from our business activities. The firm is committed to minimising and reducing the negative impacts of our business operations to achieve higher levels of environmental performance (internally and with its external relationships) through continuous improvement, and setting ourselves achievable objectives for reducing our overall environmental impact.

This policy and its objectives is also aligned with our value: ‘Leaders in the Community’, as we seek  to adopt best practice through:

  • identifying the firm’s environmental impacts; and
  • outlining the firm’s commitment to reducing its environmental impacts through monitoring and reporting, reduction, procurement processes, compliance and management processes.

Environmental Impacts

The firm recognises that its greatest environmental impact is through:

  • the generation and disposal of waste materials to landfill;
  • the depletion of natural resources through the procurement and use of goods and services; and
  • greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere from the use of energy in offices, although we seek to ensure energy efficient technology is used at our premises as much as possible, and fuel in the transport we use.

Our Commitment

The firm is committed to reducing its environmental impacts through the below measures, which are actively communicated to the firm’s employees, so they are aware of the environmental impacts our work activities have. The firm is committed to minimizing those impacts and being leaders in the community in its sector, through:

Monitoring and Reporting

  • We seek to measure and manage each of our most significant environmental impacts of our operations. The firm’s reliance on resources (e.g. paper), is a particular focus for initial implementation of the policy, where the firm’s most significant environmental impact occurs;
  • Preparation for reporting on the most significant environmental impacts of our operations, according to legislative requirements; and
  • Monitor the firm’s overall environmental management against the objectives outlined in its policy.


  1. Adopt and pursue appropriate reduction targets for each of our significant environmental impacts, which will deliver meaningful and progressive reduction in our impact – including:
    1. Paper and Resources Usage - Actively seek to reduce reliance and use on paper where possible within the firm, and promote the utilisation of recycling and reuse practices for resources (e.g. comingled recycling, batteries, toners, printing goods);
    2. Energy – Adopt energy efficient practices within the firm’s physical office environment through power-saving and timer technologies; and
    3. Work with external stakeholders to reduce our indirect environmental impact.

Procurement Processes

  • Consider an appropriate method for accessing the environmental performance of our supply chain and consider environmental factors when making purchasing decisions, adhering to industry best practice; and
  • Include environmental considerations in any decisions made regarding our premises.

Compliance and Management Processes

  • Comply with all applicable regulations and legislative requirements, working with the appropriate authorities and organisations to achieve objectives;
  • Actively seek to reduce reliance and use on resources where possible within the firm, and promote the utilisation of recycling and reuse practices;
  • Inform improvements to the firm’s processes and management of environmental impacts by engaging with like-organisations and exemplar industry bodies, to further influence and positively impact he firm’s consumption, reduction of resources, and conservation of energy within the firm’s operations; and
  • Review the Environment Policy regularly, in light of significant legislative or organisational changes.